Mediumship, Spirit Communication

Discovering Signs and Messages Beyond the Veil

The 13th of June was a day of contrasting emotions for me. While exploring the enchanting landscapes of Ubud in Bali—lush rice fields, a majestic volcano, bustling streets, and mischievous monkeys—I couldn’t shake the somber memory of my Mum, who had passed away exactly a year earlier. Bali, steeped in Hindu spirituality, painted a vivid tapestry of daily rituals with altars adorned in offerings and incense outside every shop, café, and hotel. My tour guide assured me that spirits are omnipresent, advising me to simply speak from the heart to connect with departed loved ones. He also suggested avoiding red meat to elevate spiritual vibrations.

That evening, back at the hotel, I stood before a temple and poured out my thoughts to Mum. Setting my intention, I asked for a sign the next day to confirm if she had heard me. As I cleared my mind, the image that appeared was striking—a vivid red bird.

Excitedly, I shared my experience with my family, explaining that a red bird would be my confirmation. “You won’t find red birds here, not even seagulls or parrots,” my husband sympathetically remarked. Undeterred, we planned to watch the sunset on the beach later that day, despite the scarce birdlife in Bali, save for an occasional sparrow.

As the fiery sun dipped into the ocean, casting a golden glow, my son Charlie pointed excitedly at a shape gliding through the dusk sky. “What’s that?” I asked, heart racing. “It’s a big red bird!” Charlie exclaimed. Squinting against the fading light, I focused on the object—a red kite, painted to resemble a bird. To me, it was confirmation enough.

Excitedly recounting the day to my Dad, I was stunned by his response. “Red kites are rare British birds,” he explained. “They were nearly extinct, but Mum and I actually saw one on our holiday in Wales last year.” The significance hit me—this almost extinct bird appearing as a sign felt like a powerful message from Mum herself.

Remember, the symbols you receive could hold profound meaning—don’t underestimate their significance; they might also hold messages of significance for others as well.


If you would like to learn more about psychic development and making spirit connections, I offer both reading services and workshops in Aspendale and online.  Please contact me on this link: