Clarity, Conscious Living

Reflections on Lockdown Experience

Personal Challenges and Reflections

Lockdown was like being stuck in a bizarre reality TV show where the contestants are all introverts competing to see who can avoid human contact the longest and hoard the most toilet roll. It was a marathon of staring at walls, talking to houseplants for company, and pretending Zoom meetings were actually exciting. The highlight of the day became getting dressed up and taking out the rubbish just to see another living soul (from a safe distance, of course). Forget Netflix binges; we were permanently wishing for a plot twist that involved an escape from masks, 5 km radiuses and homeschooling.

Transformation and Contemplation

In 2020, the world pressed pause, forcing us into a collective timeout that became a catalyst for introspection. As routines halted and the usual distractions dwindled, uncomfortable truths and suppressed emotions rose to the surface like stubborn debris in a shaken snow globe. It was a year where we couldn’t help but question the status quo, from the narratives spun on the news channels to the hidden agendas shaping our daily lives. This period of reflection wasn’t just about personal growth; it was a global awakening to the complexities and contradictions embedded within the framework of our societies.

The Great Awakening

Awakening to Reality

A global awakening is stirring profound shifts in consciousness among millions, marking a pivotal moment where people across the globe are questioning and reevaluating the established narratives in media, politics, and education. This awakening is characterised by a growing scepticism towards mainstream information and a hunger for deeper truths. People everywhere are increasingly seeking authenticity and transparency, rejecting old paradigms that no longer resonate with their evolving understanding of reality. The rise of social media and alternative platforms has empowered ordinary citizens to access diverse perspectives and information, fostering a more critical and discerning approach to how information is disseminated and consumed. As this awakening unfolds, there is a sense of collective empowerment and a renewed commitment to exploring new ideas and possibilities for societal change.

Have you noticed how awakened people do not worry excessively about money?  They view abundance as having everything they need, without a need to accumulate or hoard.

Questioning Authority and Control

Throughout history, fear and anger have been powerful tools wielded by authorities to control populations. These emotions can manipulate people into seeking security and certainty from those in power. Societal hierarchies play a crucial role in this dynamic, shaping how individuals behave and make decisions. Those at the top of these hierarchies often have less material impact from their decisions compared to those at lower levels, highlighting how power dynamics can restrict personal freedom and financial stability. Sociology and psychology confirm that social structures deeply influence people’s minds, shaping their perceptions and behaviours. Unless born into privilege, many feel trapped within these hierarchical systems, navigating constraints that limit their opportunities and resources. This understanding underscores the pervasive influence of fear and hierarchy in shaping societal norms and individual lives.

Societal Constructs and Hierarchies

Hierarchies aren’t just about who’s at the top and who’s at the bottom—they’re intricate undercurrents that flowing through our lives, nudging us to make decisions and shaping how we interact with the world. Think of them like invisible puppet strings, pulling us towards certain paths and pushing us away from others. From the workplace to social circles, hierarchies dictate what’s considered success, who gets the biggest slice of the pie, and even how we perceive ourselves. They’re the architects of our social systems, setting the rules and boundaries that define our freedoms and constraints. So next time you’re wondering why things are the way they are, take a closer look at the hierarchy—it’s a mastermind playing chess with our lives.

According to ‘Hierarchies of Authority’, The Microstructure of Organisations; the the more high ranking you are, the less impacted you are materially. So unless we are born an aristocrat, titled, or ‘noble’ we are trapped and restricted materially, it seems.  But wealth can also be debt. The bigger the property, the bigger the mortgage and bills!

Consciousness Evolution

Shifting Consciousness Levels

Shifting from caring only about money, status, and personal fears to focusing more on kindness, connection, and helping others is a big change. People start to see that real happiness comes from understanding how we’re all connected and treating each other well. Instead of always competing, they value empathy and community. This shift isn’t just about growing as individuals—it’s also about creating a world where everyone feels equal and cared for. It means looking inside ourselves, understanding who we are, and putting aside our own desires to build strong bonds with others and make life better for everyone.

Spiritual Awakening

Exploring higher states of consciousness unfolds like a journey into the heart of universal understanding, where meditation serves as the portal to profound insights and inner peace. Through disciplined practice, one ventures beyond the noise of everyday thoughts, quieting the mind’s chatter to uncover deeper truths. As the ego relinquishes its hold, a new clarity emerges, revealing a landscape of interconnectedness where every life form, from the smallest organism to the vast cosmos, is woven into the dimensions of existence. This heightened awareness brings a sense of profound compassion, where empathy flows naturally towards all beings, and holistic understanding dawns. Each breath becomes a reminder of the universal dance, where individual paths merge and resonate with the rhythms of creation itself.

Transition to 5D Consciousness

In the realm of 5D consciousness, the mundane pursuits of material wealth and societal status fade into insignificance like fleeting shadows at dawn. Here, the focus shifts to a profound journey of spiritual exploration and interconnectedness. Imagine a world where hearts resonate in harmony, where understanding flows effortlessly between souls, transcending barriers of ego and competition. In this ethereal landscape, individuals no longer measure their worth by possessions but by the depth of their compassion and the richness of their spiritual growth. In this realm, the very purpose of existence unfurls, where each step taken is another seed of collective enlightenment and boundless universal love coming into bloom.

Collective Awakening

Unity and Transformation

Understanding the collective shift towards a more enlightened and harmonious existence involves recognising the profound impact of inner transformation on outer change. As individuals awaken to deeper truths and engage in spiritual growth, they contribute to a broader movement towards unity and compassion. This evolution transcends mere personal development; it encompasses a shared journey of raising consciousness and embracing interconnectedness. This paradigm shift prioritizes values such as empathy, mindfulness, and collective well-being over individualism and material pursuits, fostering a world where inner peace and spiritual alignment radiate outward, creating a more harmonious and enlightened global community.

As more people awaken to these shifts, there is an opportunity to transition from one level of consciousness to another. Currently, many operate within a physical (3D) consciousness, where actions are often driven by fear, survival instincts, and ego-driven desires. This perspective tends to focus on materialism, competition, and the pursuit of personal gain, often accompanied by feelings of lack and blame. However, the evolving consciousness is moving towards a more heart-centered reality, characterized by connections, unconditional love, self-understanding, and service to others. By engaging in practices like meditation and introspection, individuals can experience profound moments of clarity and awaken to dimensions beyond the physical (4D consciousness). This journey cultivates compassion, holistic awareness, and an understanding of universal laws like the law of attraction.

Venturing even further, into the realm of 5D consciousness, material possessions and status lose their significance as individuals prioritise raising their vibrational frequency and nurturing positive intentions. Life becomes more purposeful and dedicated, driven by a desire to uplift others and contribute to a greater good. This state of consciousness fosters a deep sense of interconnectedness, expansiveness, and spiritual understanding, where linear time gives way to an eternal present moment. This journey represents a transformative shift towards a reality where spiritual growth and collective well-being take precedence, marking a profound evolution in human consciousness.

Everyone is going through this at a certain level and no-one will be left behind. If we want to change the outer world, we must first do the inner work. It’s a powerful and pivotal time to be here on the planet and we have the opportunity to transcend beyond limits and restrictions into a more harmonious and enlightened place.

I am a Solution Focused Counsellor, Soul Coach and Counsellor and I’m based in Aspendale or online.  Feel free to reach out on this link:


Puranam, Phanish, ‘Hierarchies of Authority’, The Microstructure of Organizations (Oxford, 2018; online edn, Oxford Academic, 19 July 2018),, accessed 29 Apr. 2024. m=fulltext#